

Log in to the HI GIO portal as Organization Administrator and Navigate to  

Networking > Edge Gateway > Load Balancer > Virtual Services.

Click ADD.

1. Create a Layer 4 Virtual Service

 Virtual Service can be created with the required properties:

·       Name: Virtual Service name

·       Service-Engine-Group: select SEG which assign for each Tenant

·       Load Balancer Pool: select Loadbalancer Pool (example select App-587-Pool)

·       Virtual IP: Select 01 public IP for VIP

·       Service Type: L4

·       Port: application port (example 587)

2. Create a Layer 7 Virtual Service

Virtual Service can be created with the required properties:

·       Name: Virtual Service name

·       Service-Engine-Group: select SEG which assign for each Tenant

·       Load Balancer Pool: 

o   If Server Pool is running port 80 non-encryption (example: select IIS-Web-Pool)

o   If Server Pool is running port 443 encryption (example select IIS-Web-443-Pool)

·       Virtual IP: Virtual Service IP Address (VIP)

·       Service Type: HTTPS

·       Certificate: Select your Certificate

·       Port: application port (443 SSL and 80 no-SSL)

*Note: we add port 80 no-SSL for redirect HTTP-to-HTTPS request automatically. Usually End users prefer to type domain rather than type https://domain-name.

Press SAVE to create the Virtual Service. When this is the first Virtual Service, this might take some time because the Service Engine Virtual Machines need to be deployed. Subsequent virtual services will be faster as it just require a route addition. After a couple of minutes, you should be able to access the Virtual Service.

In some cases, Virtual Service has DOWN status (Health). We have to check Server Pool Status to handle this situation. Example: IIS-Web-443-VS is DOWN.

Let’s check Pool Server. We see that IIS-Web-443-VS is mapping to IIS-Web-443-Pool.

This Pool has only 01 Server.


Let's continue to check the server. We see Server is DOWN.

Usually, there are 2 situations:

  • Server is Off, we need Power it On;

  • Or Disable Firewall Rule Server port 443.


After Power On the VM. Pool Server is UP again.


So Virtual Service IIS-Web-443-VS is UP also and working.