
The private key must be in PKCS8 encoded format.

You cannot import a certificate that already exists on the portal.

To renew SSL:

  • Delete the current SSL.

  • Import new one.

please arrange the maintenance time to do it.


Log in to the HI GIO Portal as Organization Administrator and Navigate to

Administration > Certificate Management > Certificates Library.

Press IMPORT to Import Certificate and Private Key using for application traffic encryption.

Friendly Name: type your Certificate Name (example IIJVN-Cert). Click NEXT

Click SELECT CERTIFICATE FILE to upload your Certificate file

Select your Ceritifcate file (DER encoded or PEM format) import to HI GIO Portal. Click Open

Review your Certificate information. Click NEXT

Click SELECT PRIVATE KEY to import Private Key

Select your Private Key import to HI GIO Portal. Click Open

Input Private Key Passphrase if your Private Key is protected by password. Click IMPORT

Input Private Key Passphrase if your Private Key is protected.

New Certificate and Key were imported as below.