We provide BaaS for all enterprises who need to protect their data in cloud environments, on-premises virtualization environments, and physical servers with a comprehensive backup solution. This solution can back up multiple platforms such as Centos, RedHat, Ubuntu, Windows, etc.
We offer a user-friendly & cost-effective online Data Backup & Recovery solution ensuring safeguarding files, folders, etc.
•Utilizing Veeam Portal.
•Applying on Gen1, Gen2, & on-premises environment.
•Tailoring a secure and efficient storage, disaster recovery, and backup service to business needs.
We offer a high-speed Backup & Recovery solution with VM servers in a single portal, exclusively available for HI GIO Gen.2.
•Allowing tenants to back up & restore single VMs, vApps.
•Facilitating handy self-service restoration within a single portal using vCloud Director (vCD).
•Swiftly restore diverse workloads as VMs by instant recovery; aid in migration or quickly recovering with minimal impact; improve RTO and minimize disruption to mere minutes.