Install Veeam Agent for Linux

1. Introduction

This is document for how to:

  • Install Veeam Agent for Linux

2. Install Veeam Agent for Linux

Step 1: Download Veeam Service Provider Console Management Agent

  • Login to the Web UI with customer user

  • Select Managed Computers > Discovered Computers

  • Choose Download Agent > Linux


Step 2: Install Linux Management Agent

  • Log on to the machine where you want to install the master agent.

  • Copy the agent installation package (the .sh file) to the machine where you want to install the agent.

  • Make sure that you have permission to execute the installation package file.

sudo chmod +x LinuxAgentPackages...
  • Install the package with the following command:

sudo ./LinuxAgentPackages....

Check connection by command:

veeamconsoleconfig -s

Note: if cannot connect to cloud Gateway please check:

Cloud Gateway address:



  • Check connections to the internet.

  • Check connections to Cloud Gateway port 6180. #telnet {Cloud Gateway address} 6180

  • If the connection to Cloud Gateway port 6180 cannot be opened, do the following command:

Delete iptables rule:

Return to Veeam Server Provider Console that Linux Machine will be display in “Discovery Computer” with status “active”

Step 4: Install Veeam Backup Agent Linux

  • Login to the Web UI > Managed Computers > Discovered Computers

  • Choose the Linux Server > Install Backup Agent

  • In the Use guest OS credentials form section, select an account that will be used to upload setup files to client computers and start installation.

  • The account must have local root permissions on computers where you want to install Veeam backup agents.

    • Select Account specified in the discovery rule or in the management agent settings if you want to use for installation the same account that you specified forvdiscovery of client computers, either in the master agent configuration or in the discovery rule settings.

Select The following user account if you want to specify an account different from the one that you used for discovery. You can select an account from the list or click Create New to specify credentials for a new account.

  • In the Backup policy to apply list, choose a backup policy that must be applied as part of the installation process.

    • If you allocated all cloud resources specified in the policy to the company, the chosen backup policy will be used to configure backup job settings after installing Veeam backup agents. You can select No policy if you do not want to configure backup job settings as part of installation.

  • By default, the read-only access mode is enabled for all Veeam backup agents. To disable the read-only access mode for Veeam backup agents, set the Enable read only UI access for the backup agent toggle to Off.

Step 5: Check result via portal and VM: